If you are attending an event on campus, be sure you check with the event host regarding parking. We require a parking permit every day of the year that the university is open - even if school is not in session, and during evenings and throughout the summer.

Are you a visitor who needs to park on campus?

There are three options for visitors who need to provide their own parking:

  • We offer a low-cost daily permit that can be printed at home and put on your vehicle dashboard. Get that permit by clicking here.
  • Hourly parking is offered in the Highland Street Parking Garage for $2.25 an hour. Only credit cards are accepted, no cash. Daily maximum charge is $18.00.  Lost ticket charge is $18.00.  
  • Premium Parking app logoHourly parking is also offered in our visitor lots and some student or faculty/staff lots on campus. You can find these lots and pay for your hourly session through the Premium Parking app.

Bringing a bus?

Stock image of school busWe welcome large groups of visitors to campus. There are only two things to keep in mind when bringing a bus to visit UNT:

  • Please give us at least 14 day advance notice to accommodate your visit. Parking on campus is scheduled on a first come, first served basis so we need as much advance notice as possible.
  • We will need information from you in advance so please fill out the event form here.