In order to be as transparent as possible, Transportation Services keeps record of archived news items from the previous three years. Scroll below to see the news items sent to the UNT community. Keep in mind that this information may be outdated so it's always best to check our News page , which will have the most current information, and follow us on Facebook or Instagram: @UNTTransit.
Work on a new research building is expected to begin on or around May 21 on Lot 7,
which has been used as a Resident Reserved and commuter Eagle student parking lot.
This means that the parking lot will be off-line for the duration of construction as the building will take up about half of the parking lot when complete and the other half will be used as a construction equipment staging area. When the building is complete, there will be fewer parking spaces but we will assign those to ensure they meet the needs of our UNT community.
As we prepare for the fall semester, our team will review and reassign parking lots, as needed to ensure we continue to have ample room for commuting and resident students. A new parking lot - Lot 59 - has been constructed on the property of the old Oak Street Hall, which was torn down years ago. Find directions to Lot 59 here. This lot was constructed to offer 168 new spaces to commuter students and help alleviate the loss of Lot 7.
For questions or assistance finding the right parking permit or parking space for you, please connect with our team via email at or by calling us at 940-565-3020. It's important to us that you park properly and avoid a citation!
The most popular parking permits for faculty and staff will remain the same price for the 2024-25 academic year.
The change with the biggest impact is that a new parking permit will be added for faculty and staff that will result in a change to who can park in the Union Circle Garage. The new UCG permit is $400 and valid for the entire 2024-25 academic year and summer 2025.
Student commuter and resident permits will not go on sale until late June or early July. More updates regarding student permits will be posted here and on our social media channels: @UNTTransit on Instagram, Facebook, and X (Twitter).
To purchase a UNT permit, go to our parking portal. Faculty and staff can begin to purchase their permits for 2024-25 on April 24, 2024. Sales will remain open through the upcoming academic year, but some parking permits may sell out (typically the permits that sell out are student permits).
Here is what UNT faculty and staff need to know for their 2024-25 parking permits:
As a reminder, for those faculty and staff who use payroll withdrawal, your 2024-25 permits charges will start in October 2024, even if you purchase your permit early through the portal using the payroll withdrawal method.
Should you have any additional questions about faculty and staff related parking permits or parking in general, please connect with us at 940-565-3020,, or at our office on the first floor of the Highland Street Garage.
The program has now concluded for 2023, but we hope to continue it for years to come!
This year, we collected 287 toys through the program -- a big success!
We will continue to look for ways to help our students and the community through future programming. Stay tuned!!
UNT will be closed for Labor Day, Sept. 4. For Housing residents who need to get to
and from the Victory Hall/Remote parking lots, the Mean Green Night Rider Shuttle
(MGNR 116) will be active starting at 5:26 pm. All other shuttle service is suspended
for the day. Please click on the image at right for a PDF of the bus route and time
schedule. A full list of UNT bus routes and the service calendar for the year can
be found on the DCTA website here.
Residents and visitors may park in any F/S (blue signed lots) or Eagle (gold signed
lots) all weekend, Sept. 2-4, and through 7 am Tuesday, Sept. 5, as our office will
be closed and we will not be ticketing until Tuesday morning.
Home football games at UNT always bring excitment from fans -- and traffic. In order
to best serve our students who live in Victory Hall or who need to get to the DATCU
Stadium area, the weekend Mean Green Plus (Path A) bus will have a modified route
on the Saturdays of each game day.
Click on the image at right for the regular Mean Green Plus bus schedule, which will
skip the #5 stop at Victory Hall starting 3 hours before the game begins until 1 hour
after it ends.
During this time, its last stop will be at the Fouts Transfer station in Lot 20. From there, students can ride their bikes or walk across the parking lot and across the pedestrian bridge to the Stadium/Victory Hall areas. A limited ADA shuttle will operate during the game between the Fouts Transfer station and DATCU Stadium. E-ride will also be in service that evening by calling 940-565-3014. Click here for the details on e-Ride. We apologize for the inconvenience. Having this restriction prevents the bus from getting stuck in traffic, which would greatly delay its schedule.
A full list of UNT bus routes and the service calendar for the year can be found on the DCTA website here.
Each fall semester, UNT Housing residents who are parked in Remote, general Resident
or the southern park of Lot 19 RR, along with Eagle commuters and Faculty/Staff in
Lot 20 and the areas around DATCU Stadium, need to move their cars to allow for game
day traffic on Mean Green home football game days.
You may move cars starting at 3 pm on the Friday before the Saturday game day. Cars
must be moved by 6 am on game day. Please see the map at right (and click on it for
a printable PDF) for the locations where you should move your car -- these include
Eagle lots on the main part of campus.
Cars that are not moved are subject to be towed and/or a $125 fine. If your car is
towed, you should find it in Lot 40. You can use Google Maps and search for "UNT Lot
40" for directions to that parking lot.
Please move your cars back to your designated parking lot no later than 7 am the Monday
following a home football game.
Cars that are not moved back are subject to a citation of up to $35 or more.
If you would like to purchase a parking permit for a Mean Green Football Home Game,
please visit the Athletics website here for a map of the lots and pricing -- and click the "buy tickets" button in the left
hand corner to purchase a parking permit. During home games, only Mean Green Athletics
parking permits are valid in the lots circled on the map at right.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we make UNT's campus welcoming for
our Mean Green fans!