citations page

Funds from parking permits and citations pay for costs of new parking lots and the Highland Street Parking Garage bond; parking lot maintenance and re-striping; and more. Our department is centered on fiscally responsible practices that benefit the UNT community.

Please note: the person to whom the vehicle is registered is assigned the citation.

Avoid a Citation

UNT is a busy campus but there is plenty of parking for our community. We strongly encourage you to plan ahead so that you do not receive a citation.

  • Sometimes you may need to park in a different lot or in Lot 20 and walk/bike/take the bus to campus. Our campus map shows you all the locations of parking lots that correspond to your parking permit.
  • If you can’t afford a parking permit, we have partnered with Denton County Transportation Authority to offer a free Park & Ride. Park your car at MedPark Station in Denton and ride the Colorado Express bus to campus. Please plan to get there early as the bus can get crowded.
  • In general, you’ll find more success with parking if you arrive at least 30 minutes early for class. During certain times of year, like the start of school or during finals week, you might want to arrive even earlier or park in Lot 20 where there is plenty of open parking.
  • If you need help figuring out a parking plan that works for you, please call us at 940-565-3020 or email us at

If you get a Citation

For a full list of all citation offenses and the cost of those citations, please review Appendix C on page 36 of our Parking Rules and Regulations. Some citations, such as parking in an ADA space, are more serious and require a steeper citation amount.

After your third citation, your vehicle may be booted. We attempt to give fair warning to everyone in danger of getting a car boot by placing a sticker on your driver’s side window urging you to come talk with us. Some parking violations may also require us to tow a vehicle.

You may pay your citation via our online Parking Portal with a credit or debit card. We also accept checks and credit/debit cards in our office on the first floor of the Highland Street Garage, 620 Avenue A in Denton. We do not accept cash. 

Please note, if unpaid after 15 calendar days, the cost of the citation will increase due to late fees.

Students: failure to pay your citation could result in the inability to receive your transcript. All citations are turned over to a collection agency after 45 days of non-payment.

Citation Appeals

Please note: there is no such thing as an automatic free pass for your first citation. However, you may be eligible for a reduction or elimination of the citation by going through our appeals process. We are not able to eliminate all citations upon appeal. In general, there must be an error as to why the ticket was issued so please give us as much information as you can. Our parking staff take photos and document citations to provide quality assurance.

If you would like to appeal a citation follow these steps

  • Within 15 calendar days of receiving the citation, log into the Parking Portal – if you are a visitor to campus you can create a guest account
  • Click the “Citations” tab at the top of the page
  • Find your citation and click “File an Appeal” to input your appeal information

Our staff reviews appeals daily during the workweek and will promptly let you know the status of your appeal. Please note, appeals are only available within the first 15 days of receiving your citation.